<string name="app_name">Code03</string>
<string name="article_title">Everything is made of something</string>
<string name="article_subtitle">By Ajay Dasgupta</string>
<string name="article_text">
How do you make tea? Simple, put a teaspoon of tea into a boiling
cup of water. Strain the water, pour some milk and sugar to taste
and the tea is ready! Interestingly, everything that we prepare has
a recipe and is made up of simpler ingredients.
\n\nFor example, what is sugar made of? It is made of sugar
molecules, which in turn, are made up of atoms. The atom is the
building block of all substances.
\n\nThe concept of the atom was first introduced by the Greek
philosophers Democritus and Leucippus around 450-420 B.C.
The word \'atom\' comes from a Greek word that means \'indivisible\'.
Infact, until recently, the atom was considered to be indivisible.
\n\n<b><i>How small is an atom?</i></b>
\n\nAtoms are very tiny, with diameters like one
ten-thousand-millionth of a metre. So, approximately 50,000,000
atoms of solid matter like iron, lined up in a row, would measure
one centimetre (0.4 inch).
\n\nHowever, Carl Sagan in his book Cosmos says that if you
cut an apple-pie into equal halves and further divide each half
into smaller and smaller pieces, in about 90 cuts you will reach
a single atom. But, there is no knife that can cut so fine.
And the apple-pie would become invisible to the human eye in
about 20 cuts.
\n\n<b><i>How do atoms create other substances?</i></b>
\n\nTwo or more atoms join together to form a molecule.
The molecule is the smallest part of a substance known as a
compound. For example, when two atoms of oxygen combine
with one atom of carbon, it forms carbon dioxide gas.
\n\nThese compounds group together to form bigger
complex substances.
\n\n<b><i>What are atoms made of?</i></b>
\n\nIs there a recipe for the atom? Yes! As with every other
thing, even the atom is composed of smaller particles.
These particles are called neutrons, protons and electrons.
They are necessary ingredients to make an atom.
\n\nScientists have also found substances which make up
electrons and protons. So we have a recipe for electrons and
protons as well.
\n\nEverything around us is actually made out of something
else, in an unending chain of ingredients and recipes.